Role of Vitamins and Minerals in Treating Certain Health Conditions: A Review of Current Opinion
Vitamins; minerals; cardio-vascular diseases; diabetes; cancer; immune system; osteoporosis; COVID-19; HIV.Abstract
The role of vitamins and minerals is considered of paramount importance in management of human health. The per day dietary requirement of vitamins and minerals have been standardized. The deficiency diseases have also been spelt out. The excess of some of these supplements is also documented to cause health problems. The correct quantity required for human being has always been subject of discussion. The aim of this review article is to present an overview of the latest opinion of experts in the subject area. The review articles and research papers on effects of vitamins and minerals on certain diseases, e.g., cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, weak immune system response, HIV/AIDS, COVID19, and osteoporosis, were consulted. The present article gives a brief idea about vitamins and mineral, their daily requirement, deficiency diseases and critically examines the current views on effect of vitamins and minerals on health conditions mentioned.
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