Assessment of zinc acetate on hepatic histology and liver enzymes in rats

The effect of Zinc acetate on Rat's liver


  • Mahmood A. Hussein College of Dentistry, University of Mosul, Iraq,
  • Maha T. AL-Saffar Dental Basic Sciences Department, College of Dentistry, University of Mosul, Iraq
  • Karam H. AL-mallah Pathology and Poultry Diseases Department, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Mosul, Iraq



Zinc, Liver enzyme, Liver histology


Background: Overconsumption of dietary Zn supplements is one of the most common causes of acute Zn poisoning. Zinc is commonly found in commercially available minerals and nutritional supplements. Aims: to look into the histopathological and biochemical toxic effects of zinc acetate on the liver. Materials and Methods: Twenty-five healthy male Albino rats with an age range of (2-3) months and weights of (250-360 g) were bought from Animal House. The rodents were separated into five equal groups (5 rats each): the control group received normal saline intraperitoneally once every other day for 3 weeks, groups 2,3,4, and 5 received zinc acetate (4,8, 12, and 24mg/kg) respectively, intraperitoneally once every other day for 3 weeks. All the experimental animals of all groups were euthanized on day 22 for biochemical serum assessment and histopathological assessment of the liver. Results: Liver enzymes significantly elevated in a dose-dependent manner particularly in group 5 compared to control and other groups. Histopathological examination of the liver revealed the architectural changes and modulation of liver histological parameters, these changes were dose-dependent and more apparent in group 5 compared to control and other groups. In conclusion: subacute toxic effects of zinc acetate produce significant effects on liver biochemical parameterAlkaline Phosphatase, Aspartate Aminotransferase, and Alanine Aminotransferase in all treated groups corresponding with dose and significant effects on liver revealed by histological examination like congestion of portal and central veins, focal lymphocytic infiltration and capsular fibrosis at all treated groups and more severe at 4th and 5th groups.


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